When it comes to filtering your beer there is at this point only one product I use and recommend.
They call it the Bouncer Beer Filter.
It is an easy to use inline filter that connects directly to your transfer line (hose). The transfer line is the hose you use to transfer from the fermenter to either your bottles or keg. This filter connects to this hose and is gravity feed. It does a great job of catching and removing any floaties, trub, and hop debris from your beer.
I have done a complete review of the Bouncer Beer Filter, which includes a video of me using the filter.
You can check out my review by clicking here => Bouncer Beer Filter – The Best Homebrew Inline Filter?
If you need any more information on the bouncer filter check out that post and by all means ask me any questions you have on it in the comments below.
If you are ready to pick up your own filter the following is a link to where you can get it on Amazon.
Due note that As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Which means at no extra cost to you Amazon sends me a commission for sending you their way. Helps me keep this site going and perhaps lets me buy the odd beer or two.
There are two sizes of filters you can pick up; which filter you will need depends on how big of a batch of beer you are brewing.
For a 5 – 10 gallon batch the Classic will work great:
(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases)
For batch size larger then 10 gallons I recommend the MD or Mac Daddy:
(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases)
Again to see my review of this filter you can check it out HERE.
I am positive you will love this little filter, its been a great addition to my home brewing set up!
Cheers my friend.
Big Robb is out!