Sparging: What It Is and How to Do It?

fly sparge of beer next to the words "sparging: what is it and how to do it?"

If you’re into making beer, you’ve probably heard the term “sparging” before. It’s an essential part of the brewing process that involves rinsing the grains to extract the sugars that will ultimately be turned into alcohol during fermentation. In this article, we’ll look closer at sparging, the different types, and how to do each. What … Read more

Refractometer vs Hydrometer: Which Should You Use?

A refractometer next to a hydrometer in front of pints of beer next to the words refractometer vs hydrometer.

When it comes to brewing beer, one of the main ways brewers ensure they are being consistent and improving the quality of their beer is by measuring its specific gravity. Always looking to improve upon your brewing skills can make the difference between an okay beer and a great one. In this article, we are … Read more

What is a Mash Out and How to Do It?

a guy perfroming a mash out.

When it comes to performing a mash out some brewers consider it to be an important part of the beer-making process while others don’t believe it has any effect on the final product and skip it entirely. Mashing involves soaking crushed grains in warm water for 60 – 90 minutes, also known as steeping. The … Read more

Introduction to Mashing Temperature

A man mashing grains into his kettle next to the words introduction to mashing temperature.

Learning how to mash correctly, including starting at the correct mash in temperature to ensure that once the grains are added the target mash temperature is reached can be a challenge when you are just starting out to say the least. But it does not have to be, in fact, once you understand the basic … Read more